
Drs H. As’at Said Ali

Drs H. As’at Said Ali
President Commissioner

Indonesian citizen, 74 years old, Doctor Honoris Causa, Diponegoro University, last S1 International Relations – Gajah Mada University, Yogyakarta in 1974.

Served as President Commissioner of the Company since 2010 until now.
Previously he was Waka BIN from 2000-2010 and was Deputy III BIN from 1999-2000.

Raditya Muhas Juvirawan

Raditya Muhas Juvirawan

Indonesian citizen, 43 years old, graduated form Business Administration,  Curtin University, Perth in Australia in 2001. Serving as Commissioner of the company since 2023

Below is the work history of the Commissioner:

  • 2023-present Commissioner of the Company
  • 2007-present Director of PT Green Energy Investment
  • 2003-present Finance Director of PT Bayu Buana Gemilang
Leo Herlambang

Leo Herlambang
Independent Commissioner

Indonesian citizen, 54 years old. His last education was a Doctor of Islamic Economics – at Airlangga University, Surabaya, in 2014.Served as Independent Commissioner of PT Citra Nusantara Gemilang since 2023, and in the same year also as Audit Committee in a subsidiary of PT Semen Gresik and also as a lecturer. Experienced in managing oil and gas, port, health, and securities companies since and advising on food and oil and gas companies since 2017.


Andika Purwonugroho

Andika Purwonugroho
President Director

Indonesian citizen, 46 years old, last education Young Executive Master of Management Prasetya Mulya, Jakarta in 2004.

He has served as President Director of the Company since 2022 and as Commissioner in CHR, CNE, and CNGlobal. From 2012-2022, he served as Commercial Director of the Company, where previously he served as General Manager of the Company from 2008-2012.

Mohamad Isa Safardi

Mohamad Isa Safardi

Indonesian citizen, 47 years old, last education S1 Metallurgical Engineering – University of Indonesia in Jakarta in 1999. He was appointed as the Company’s Director of Operations in 2022. Previously, he was Vice President of the Company from 2021-2022, the R&D Department at PT Buana Bayu Gemilang from 2015-2021. He was also the Company’s Head of Business Development from 2013-2015.

Agung Wibawa

Agung Wibawa

Indonesian citizen, 51 years old, Last education Corporate Management – Universitas Kejuangan, Jakarta Currently serves as Finance Director of the Company and CRE. Previously, he was General Manager of the Company’s Finance from 2019-2021. From 2016-2019, he served as Deputy Commercial Banking at PT Bank BRI Syariah Tbk.

Audit Commitee

The Company’s Audit Committee and Audit Committee Charter have been established in accordance with the provisions of POJK No.55/POJK.04/2015 concerning the Establishment and Guidelines for the Work of the Audit Committee based on the Decree of the Company’s Board of Commissioners No.081/CNGG-KOM/VIII/23 dated August 29, 2023 concerning the Appointment of the Audit Committee with the composition of the Company’s Audit Committee as follows, and the composition of the Audit Committee members as follows, that is:

Soetino Mediyanto

Soetino Mediyanto

The Company’s Audit Committee and Audit Committee Charter have been established in accordance with the provisions of POJK No.55/POJK.04/2015 Regarding the Establishment and Guidelines for the Implementation of the Audit Committee based on the Decree of the Company’s Board of Commissioners No.081/CNGG-KOM/VIII/23 dated August 29, 2023 regarding the Appointment of the Audit Committee with the composition of the Company’s Audit Committee as follows, and the composition of the Audit Committee members as follows, namely:

Chair: Leo Herlambang
Indonesian citizen, 54 years old. Serving as Chairman of the Audit Committee since 2023, work experience can be seen in the Independent Commissioner experience sub chapter.

Member: Soetino Mediyanto
Indonesian citizen, 58 years old, has served as a member of the Audit Committee since August 2023, has work experience as Finance & Administation Manager of PT Green Energy since 2007 until now, 2004-2007 as Senior Manager and Tax Manager – KAP Heliantoro and Partners, 1998-2000, as Finance & Adm. Manager of PT Chempro Indonesia, 2000-2003 as Finance & Accounting Manager of PT Jala Visiarta & Vision Pacific Ltd, 1995-1998 as Finance & Administration Manager of Amintaland Group, 1993-1995 Senior Auditor of KAP Drs Santosa Harsokusumo & Partners, 1992-1993 Senior Auditor of KAP Drs Raisin, Ichwan & Co; 1987-1990 as Adjunct Accountant of BPKP Representative of South Kalimantan.

Organization Structure

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