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PT. Citra Nusantara Gemilang was established on December 2005, known as a trading company and a pioneer compressed natural gas distributor for transporting natural gas to not yet reached gas pipeline areas. This natural gas is used for industrial purposes, transportations, homes, and private power plant that use gas as their energy.

Our service covers CNG B2B (Compressed Natural Gas Business to Business) and CNG B2C (Compressed Natural Gas Business to Consumer) targeting transportation sector, consultation in related to natural gas area’s operational and maintenance services. Furthermore, we also cooperate with strategic partners to strengthen our business in about this industry.

2006, PT. Citra Nusantara Gemilang (PT CNG) was launched with the capacity of 0.5 MMS CFD and made its First distribution to the customers in Cikarang and Karawang. PT CNG built its first gas station in the same year to serve local public transportation in Cikarang.

It also supported the government’s langit biru program to mitigate air pollution by cooperating with city’s public minibuses (angkot) to convert into natural gas.

PT. Citra Nusantara Gemilang - Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) Indonesia About
PT. Citra Nusantara Gemilang - Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) Indonesia About

In 2007, PT Citra Nusantara Energi (PT CNE) was established in East Java in response to local market demand for natural gas, which led PT CNE to focus on serving natural gas demand for transportation throughout East Java. PT CNE has served the conversion of government vehicles, public transportation, and 500 Silver Taxi units.

PT. Citra Nusantara Gemilang - Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) Indonesia About

In 2009, PT CNG Hilir Raya (CHR) established its first gas station to meet the Sumatran provincial government’s demand for compressed natural gas for use in 200 local government operational vehicles and 600 units of public transportation in South Sumatra.

PT. Citra Nusantara Gemilang - Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) Indonesia About
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